Mediums, Psychics, and calling the dead from beyond dates back to early human history, however popularity grew noticeably within the 19th century. This popular entertainment, or also bring peace to family's, was soon started to be investigated, with many cases finding that the "Mediums" were in fact frauds, who weren't contacting the dead, they were just using cheap parlour tricks to make audiences believe they were, a very famous medium investigator was Harry Houdini, who after losing his mother set out to find a way of contacting her, but instead actually became persistently irritated with people being frauds that he perused as many as he could uncovering whether they were the real deal. Situations such as this still continue to this very day.

The time period of this play however is set in the present time, and so with television's in every household anyone can watch this "phenomenon" on shows such as "Psychic Sally" or "Colin Fry", the shows tend to now have less to do with moving objects, creepy voices and gushes of wind, and more to do with "talking" to the dead, this is also another widespread debate that these "psychics" actually have a team backstage researching audience members, this point is brought up within the play when Becky says "she got them of our reservations" after Maya mentions their names, "ill bet she has a whole team of researchers who look into people before they come to the show", these two quotes are in my opinion the reason for this play's creation it's looking into the controversy of these shows, this does come through mainly with the character Becky, but also at one point Maya says she hasn't seen a ghost or spirit in 10 years, which means for 10 years she has been faking her shows.
The relationship between him and his sister was very close, considering they had grown up together alone, his sister was the parent of the siblings, as Tom is a bit of a push over, he tends to follow the lead instead of taking control of the situation himself.
His relationship with Becky isn't something he is in control of, Becky likes things done her way and so Tom would be found following after her every command, Becky did not like the way Tom looked up to his sister and the bond that they had, so we came to the conclusion she killed Felicity off, and that's what Felicity has come back to tell Tom.
The reason I think that Tom is a push over, and caring of other people, is because of lines such as "Lets go" Becky says, immediately Tom says "Yeah I'm getting really creeped out" the only time Tom doesn't do what his wife says is when Felicity is mentioned, in fact he practically begs Becky saying "Please do this for me", this is the attitude that I don't think Becky liked when Felicity was alive, because he stood up for himself and wanted to do something for himself.